Between President Obasanjo and Segun Adeniyi both claiming to be patriots and loving Nigeria, well isn’t it funny that both of them imported the books they want you to buy?
They both chose a publishing house that prints books abroad paying in dollars and then import same back into nigeria despite the numerous printing presses in our country?
Next time you read the numerous nonsense being published by our so called elites and self appointed leaders and you think they actually love the country, well they dont.
They are not patriotic nor do they care about you.
Abi why would customs be asked to seize the book published by president OBj if not that its imported?
They all fight during the day but drink and balance their books together at night!
I hope a patriotic Nigerian makes an e copy and put it on the internet, I’m sure not buying books filled with lies and half truth.
See below Segun Adeniyis glee as he talks about how he and Papa OBJ improverish the nation and cause a weak naira by importing books. Yet we blame people who import toothpicks, whats the difference please tell me?——-s-unguided-missiles/196346
“Since President Olusegun Obasanjo seems to have appropriated the title of Baba, I knew instantly who Egbosa was referring to but still wondered the nature of the response so I sought to know how. “In his coming book that Kachifo is publishing. Baba yab you no be small”, he added in Pidgin English before laughing.
Right there and then, I requested that I should be given a copy of the book the moment it came out. I believe I had a right to that because when the promo of my Yar’Adua book came out before the release in December 2011, Obasanjo had requested that he be given a copy the moment it arrived. And he was obliged with Kachifo CEO, Mr. Mukhtar Bakare, driving with a copy to Ota at midnight on the day the consignment arrived the country.“
According to the publishers website, they love Nigeria too, hehehe
Kachifo Limited is an independent Nigerian publishing house set up in 2004 to tell our own stories. We are the publishers of Farafina Books, Prestige Books and Farafina Magazine until suspension of its publication in 2009. We have also established a non-profit trust, Farafina Trust, whose broad mission is to promote literature and literary skills in Africa.
Kachifo Limited aims to set high standards for editorial, conceptual and production quality in the Nigerian publishing industry.
Yeah right!
December 12, 2014 @ 11:48 pm
I tire o! If high profile nigerians can do this why blame those who import toothpicks and wooden spoons from china? Heard the book retails for 45k paper back and 60k hard cover, profiteering from disobeying the courts
December 12, 2014 @ 12:45 pm
Yomi, you can see why they can never make policies that will sustain our companies here.