Concluding part
Role in The Outbreak, Spread and Treatment of COVID-19
The traditional role of the media could be said to be the dissemination of information without fear or favour. The US media – echoed by the media worldwide – could not be said to have fulfilled this duty when events that occurred since December 2019 are critically examined. The first indication that the MSM role in the fight against the pandemic would be biased was their reportage on the travel ban. The narrative simply criticized the actions of the US President and stripped the response of science experts’ input, contrary to the fact the flight ban was advised by experts (Nebehay, 2020; Re, 2020). The media’s aforementioned “fish tank cleaner” HCQ death report whose reportage was also erroneous, provides further evidence of the media’s bias. This bias – along political ideologies – would later extend to the social media and search engines giants (Big Tech) playing a de-marketing and censorship role in shutting down qualified voices who had the scientific authority to offer informed opinions (Peek, 2020).
The Big Tech were prominent in reducing the universe of information and actively discouraged plurality of scientific opinions by censoring information and research backed professional opinions pushed out by medical doctors, virologists, epidemiologists. This is evidenced in this news publication “Tech platforms scrambled this week to delete a video featuring seven doctors who claimed their front-line knowledge of the pandemic contradicts the guidance of public health experts…” (USATODAY, 2020). In an arguably bizarre contrast, celebrities, a tech billionaire and a child activist were promoted by the MSM and Big Tech as “authorities” on a disease and pandemic they had little/no professional expertise in (Miller, 2020; CNN, 2020). Perhaps chief of this is the philanthropist billionaire Microsoft founder whose prediction that COVID-19 would devastate African nations (Nwachukwu, 2020) arguably influenced the decisions taken by African leaders more than science-based reactions to the pandemic.
One of the most controversial issue in many countries excluding China was the wearing of facemask as a means of halting the spread of the virus. The MSM and Big Tech unarguable took a stance on what they believe was right, they promoted only the opinions of scientists who insisted that the mass use of masks would reduce the spread (Adams, 2020; Webmd, 2020). The science of masks however appears to disagree with the assertion that the use of any type of masks could control the spread of the virus (Qaseem et al., 2020). There are various types of masks and they include the N95, surgical and cloth masks. These three types became the focus of discussions with regards to their community use to stem the virus. Despite the lack of evidence showing that cloth masks were effective (Mahase, 2020; Leung & Sun, 2020), coupled with the lack of electrostatic fiber (as incorporated in N95 and surgical masks), scientists – allowed by the Big Tech and MSM to speak – promoted its use, presenting it as backed by science when its not. The “cloth does not stop isolated virions” (Clase et al., 2020; Madigan & Brock, 2009) yet medical professionals who point out these scientific facts were censored which made the effort to halt the spread of the virus not evidence based rather propaganda. Perhaps this explains why the virus kept spreading despite the community wearing of cloth and surgical masks. These acts of censorship extended to the search for an effective treatment regimen and protocol for the disease. MSM and Big Tech rather encourage the use of their platform as a collaborative tool that could allow medical professionals separated by vast distances and professional circles quickly communicate, they became a tool shutting down valid professional experiences of what worked or not, and vested all scientific authority largely to WHO and various CDCs (Barkoukis, 2020), yet WHO have had to walk back statements that turned out were erroneous showing those censored were correct (Lovelace, Feuer, & Kim, 2020). This tactic – which could be defended on the need to protect the public from misinformation – can be impeached by the fact that many of those censored were the actual medical team on the field whilst those allowed to speak were not in reality treating actual patients.
Prominent in the arguable harm the MSM and Big Tech caused many countries is the controversial debate on the effectiveness of the use of HCQ/CQ to treat COVID-19. Research shows that HCQ is effective in vitro in destroying coronaviruses (Vincent et al., 2005; Barnard et al., 2006; Kono et al., 2008). Further research shows its use with Zinc – where the HCQ/CQ acts as the Zinc ionophore to deliver the Zinc into the cell cytosol (Xue et al., 2014) – was also effective in vitro. The mechanism of action also appears to be clear. The Zinc being an ion is unable to permeate the cell wall. Thus, used on its own, has its actions limited to outside the cell wall. The coronavirus however lives and replicates inside the cell cytosol after breaching the cell walls (Knoops et al., 2008). This virus being an envelope virus is protected by a lipid outer layer that gives its resilience against antibodies (Abu-Farha et al., 2020). The Zinc can however dissolve this lipid and thus expose the virus RNA to be degraded and eliminated. HCQ/CQ thus act as “carriers” for the Zinc to access the cytosol, strip the protective lipid off the virus, allowing the body’s natural defences to kill off the virus (Te Velthuis et al., 2010) at the same time inhibiting viral growth. The MSM and Big Tech in their censorship and aforementioned bias, linked the use of HCQ as an effective treatment to the President – who merely repeated what medical professionals told him – and arguably politicized a treatment vouched for by several field medical doctors. Whilst the treatment at the time had not gone through the gold standard – clinical trials that include a randomized double blinded placebo controlled trial, the reportage and censorship of the MSM and Big Tech effectively attributed a possible effective treatment backed by research into a “political treatment” touted by a political figure (Sarkis, 2020). Some retrospective studies did conclude that HCQ was of little benefit in the treatment of COVID-19 (Rakedzon, Khoury, Rozenberg & Neuberger, 2020), others however did show that same HCQ/Zinc regimen was effective (Carlucci et al., 2020). The Nigeria NAFDAC further affirmed the efficacy of CQ in the early treatment of COVID-19 (Muanya, 2020), but the censorship and subsequent attendant behavioral modification could be said to have relegated that effectiveness into white noise.
The media and Big Tech bias did not end with controversial drugs. They would also go against the vaccine development based on their political position on the US president. The assertion by the US president in October 2020 that a vaccine would be available by November 2020 was politicised and discredited by the MSM and even prominent US scientists (USATODAY, 2020). A narrative that the vaccine would be unsafe because it would be a rushed product by the US president arguably undermined confidence in the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine (Garrett, 2020; O’Leary, 2020). Perhaps this issue is the greatest indicator of media bias because the vaccine was indeed ready by November 2020, a date the MSM generally said was impossible despite having the resources to investigate the US Presidents claim and accurately informing the populace.
Role in The Spread of COVID-19
The US CDC/NIH perhaps holds sway when it comes to international “barometric” readings of what to do regarding the SARS-CoV-2 virus after the WHO. It would thus explain why the pronouncements coming from them tailors the response of other nations CDCs to the COVID-19 virus. This leadership role however becomes questionable when certain statements that emanated from them are critically examined. The head of US NIH was on record in February 2020 (at the incipient stage of the spread of the virus in the US) that the community use of masks was not only ineffective in slowing the spread but could actually increase the rate of infection in the individuals as they fidgeted with the masks (MSN, 2020). This arguably affected the push for the use of masks in other nations within the same period. Despite the science of masks not changing a few months later, He is again documented asserting that cloth, surgical and unfitted N95 masks would slow down the spread of the virus (PBS, 2020). Such capitulation of positions – unbacked by science – could be said to have contributed to the spread of the virus. If masks worked, why did the NIH director say they didn’t in February 2020? Whatever the reasons for “falsely” representing science in February is, wouldn’t it be unethical for a scientist to jettison data and mislead the people? One would expect the CDC/NIH to be guided by science in their instructions, however if what they say appears to negate established science and contemporary findings, could they not thus be held responsible for poor containment of the spread of the virus?
The CDC/NIH response to scientific research as regards some therapeutics such as Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine and Dexamethasone also calls into question their response being guided by science (Irfan, 2020). Political considerations and interference were alleged to have tailored their response to the research conclusions on these drugs and health guidelines (Majunder, 2020; McEvoy, 2020) and these become hard to fault when Dr Fauci’s aforementioned response to the Presidents assertions – on November 2020 availability of Covid-19 vaccine – are examined.
Experts in various fields – especially medical and academia – are arguably the first points of call for guidance on the spread and response to the pandemic. They could thus be said to be responsible in part for the progress or lack of it against the virus. The academia and scientific community already have a peer review standard and an established gold standard for clinical trials. These are supposed to be insulated from politics and public hysteria as steps are meticulously followed to arrive at conclusions that can be defended and/or replicated in line with established processes of scientific inquiry. An examination of how they appeared to have given approval for the silencing of dissenting opinions from their peers by MSM and Big Tech would arguably make them as culpable as the censors.
Perhaps the greatest pointer to the failure of expertise is the taciturn approval for the governmental double standards in the enforcing of the attendant movement lockdowns carried out in various countries. Whilst political and social justice mass demonstrations were allowed to proceed (often without mandated wearing of masks and social distancing), gatherings (especially religious or politically opposing ones) were prohibited ostensibly based on the same “science” from the experts (Jha, 2020). “Racism and oppression are a public health issue” an infectious diseases expert named Dr. Abby Hussein was quoted to have said (CBC, 2020).
These double standards – that require no science to reveal its absurdity – perhaps hurt the credibility of the academic and scientific community more than the censorship by MSM and Big Tech. Whilst the layman may not understand which drug may be effective or which vaccine may work, they wouldn’t need to be scientists to understand that viruses cannot distinguish one gathering from the other, and thus, such passes given political demonstrations essentially point to the fact that the experts were not being driven by science but by other considerations.
Science or Politics?
In conclusion, just as the developed vaccine for the coronavirus target the spikes that give the virus its name, perhaps the targeting of the “human” spikes could strip them of the politics of the response and allow science take the lead in halting the spread and developing a treatment for Covid-19. If WHO had allowed science lead, the PRC would have been unable to mislead the organization. If the CDCs and Governments had allowed science to speak, better political decisions could have been made. If the MSM and Big Tech had allowed science lead, they would have allowed the plurality of expert opinions and become editors of information they are unqualified to censor.
Without science taking the lead in response to this pandemic and at the same time leaving political decisions with politicians, it may take humanity longer than necessary to agree on a treatment and could lead to a prolongation of the pandemic with attendant loss of lives and destruction of the global economy.
Here are the references for you to check out yourself. With the unprecedented censorship however, some links may have been scrubbed from the internet by the BigTech. We are in dangerous times.
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