Boko Haram and the Mysterious White Men – The mercenaries
“A military helicopter with five people on board, on Monday Nov 10, 2014, crash-landed in Riverside area of Damare of Girei Local Government Area, some few miles away from Yola, at about 9.30 a.m.
The helicopter was said to have only white people, four men and one woman on board, but only two sustained various degrees of injuries.
Effort to reach authorities concerned failed as the entire area was surrounded by military men, stopping anybody to go close to the scene.
One of the military men told journalists that it was an order from above not to say anything or a….” this was reported by
So i heard on the 10th of Nov. 2014 that a chopper with 5 Caucasian passengers had crashed at Adamawa. 4 men and a woman.

The Nigerian military admitted a chopper indeed crashed but said the chopper was on a training mission and also denied the presence of white men on board contrary to eye witness accounts as reported by silverbirds TV that a Whiteman in combat uniform came looking for help before ambulances arrived and more choppers came to ferry other things away….
The chopper was reportedly blown up a typical MO of covert operations.
In the Kano central mosque bomb blast another Whiteman was fingered as the culprit having been seen fidgety as he walked into the mosque accompanied by two teenage boys and later remote detonated the bomb on the kids.
So who are these mysterious white men?
What do they want in Nigeria, whose side are they on and why is the government keeping them out of the news?
The Conspiracy
My initial thought when the chopper crash news broke was they were American soldiers helping Nigeria combat the insurgency after the capture of the girls in Chibok but with details emerging that cash was on board the chopper I had a rethink.
Ammunition and weapons, fine but what do you need cash for in a war zone? It can’t be for the Nigerian government soldiers, what would they be doing with dollar bills? If it’s not for them then it must be for the insurgents.
Giving credence to the the Kano bomb blast theory. Meaning Nigeria (not the Nigerian govt) is fighting a formidable foe bent on our destruction as a nation!
The next step was identifying who these white men are working for.
Weeks back, as the Nigerian army appeared to be incapable of confronting the boko terrorists, I had advocated in Solace my political oriented vibrant bbm group that if the Nigerian army couldn’t do the job then we should get mercenaries to fight for us since we can actually afford it and that payment of soldiers should be done directly to ensure they get their money and boost their morale.
As a sharp boy, I went searching for mercenaries online, However on my research, I discovered that the use of mercenaries was prohibited by a UN charter of which Nigeria was a signatory to in 1990
Further research however showed we could use private military contractors; naturally the name that immediately popped up in my mind was Blackwaters worldwide.
Enters Private Military Contractors (PMC, fancy name for mercenaries)
Blackwaters was the company exposed by Assange to have murdered civilians in Iraq and they were working for the US govt.
So I tried to contact Blackwaters only to discover Nigeria currently had private military contractors working for us!
And balckwater worldwide, which had changed her name first to Xe and then to Academi is involved in Nigeria.
Long before the name change, the founder Erik Prince a former US navy seal had advocated the use of PMC to protect American oil interests in Africa especially Nigeria due to activities of the Niger delta militants. And yes, PMC were fingered in the indiscriminate use of helicopter gunship to decimate communities in the Niger delta region.
Triple canopy, a private military contractor has been in Nigeria since 2007, under the usual cover for PMC which is provision of military training or security for high value targets.
Now it gets more interesting, Triple Canopy and ACADEMI (Blackwater Worldwide new name) teamed up to form Constellis Holdings and then bought another company named Constellis Group ,(a leading provider of security, support and advisory services to government, multinational corporations and international organizations operating in challenging environments around the world.). Constellis Holdings was formed by the founders of Triple Canopy and the private equity investors who formed ACADEMI.
The transaction created a badass group, including: Triple Canopy, Constellis Ltd., Strategic Social, Tidewater Global Services, National Strategic Protective Services, ACADEMI Training Center and International Development Solutions.
– See more at:
So whats he saying?
It’s scary enough to know that foreigners have been using Nigerians as target practice because PMC have not been known to be ethical; they are soldiers of fortune that can be managed only by savvy and responsible governments when used. They have, for instance, been employed in the civil wars in Congo, Angola and Sierra Leone, both by governments and insurgents, fighting for both sides!
But how many people saw them in any of the fire fights or the massacres as the rebels amputated their fellow citizen’s limbs?!
Tie back to boko haram.
Remember how we have been unable to understand how a supposed band of miscreants plan attacks and trounce our soldiers repeatedly? Our soldiers who were feared for their bravery and professionalism around Africa (before AFRICOM, a PMC staffed contraption by the USA came?)
Is it that these mysterious white men are private military contractors working for the government (Adamawa chopper crash) and also working for boko haram (the detonation of the bomb in the Kano mosque)? (If they were solely working for the government, there would be no need to destroy the boxes of dollars except they knew they wouldn’t be able to explain what the money was meant for to the authorities!)
I know you ask, why would they work for both sides? well they are soldiers of fortunes, if the war stops they stop getting paid, so they will do anything to sustain the war after all the people dying are Nigerians not them!
Is this why Boko haram have been so resourceful, their propaganda so effective? Are their activities being planned from the USA using sophisticated computer simulations to cause
maximum chaos? Is this why supposed almajiris give our soldiers the chase on the battle field? Remember the use of anti aircraft guns in Mubi by these insurgents? Remember the call that came to the air force pilot that told him to turn back which allowed insurgents take over Mubi, who can have access to hacking a secure military communication channel? Remember the precision timed attacks and synchronised explosions followed by multiple campaigns on several fronts?
Is this why it seems the army can only hold and prevent their advancement for a little while and their attacks seems to gauge public opinion before being launched? So who monitors the social media for them gauging public perception? Shekau?! I don’t think so!
And can you observe he reads from a script almost every time he speaks? Yes same blue covered scripts used by film makers! So who are his puppet masters?
A week after the Kano bomb blast, boko haram is yet to claim responsibility so who really bombed Kano Central mosque?!
Who are these mysterious white men and what do they want?
Who are they really working for and what is their end game?
Find out in part 2 of this write up coming up on Sunday.
Follow me @yomilawal on twitter, +yomi on Google plus and on facebook
Sneak peek from Part2. Boko haram – The Bill Gates angle!
Who will start a war from a region with no natural resources that could easily pay for the cost of the war? The north has no oil production yet and still the conflagration threatening to swallow Nigeria up conveniently started from there. The oil region in the south south is peaceful at the moment. So what then is greater than oil?
The people! People will be around long after oil is gone. The war from the North started because of the people, look to your ministry of agriculture to understand what I’m saying..

Mosanto is a company founded in 1901 and currently touts herself an agricultural company, she has been linked to the hiring of ACADEMI……