(Written in solidarity with the Syrian people)
A king and his people,
The leader and his subjects.
Reason is like music,
The melody can intoxicate!
Let the dancer beware,
The party is only for awhile.
The court and the fool,
The parliament and advocates,
Greed is like success,
The euphoria is addictive!
Let the user be wary,
The stash fizzles out in an instant.
The cricket and its noise,
Silence reigns after its death,
The black widow and her love,
Ask the lover when you get to orion!
Listen to the multitude,
The few will lead you astray!
Now to big bang theory,
Terror is a tool,
Loud noise is meant to scare.
When death comes swiftly,
It comes in absolute silence!
To hear the boom is to be alive.
Governance from the lair,
Stupidity from the air!
The spinal cord of the paralyzed,
A great disconnect, emotion still in connect!
As a farmer is intimate with his yam,
The King must get his hands dirty!
History is a string of events,
Judgment a simple turn of events!
Killing children and women in a war,
The password to Hades for the soldier.
Be wise great Bashar,
Mahmoud and Saddam trod this same path!
Of politicians and battles,
Personal glory and gambling.
Tough talking in safety, sending men to horrors.
Remember the battle of Omaha,
A beach is not always a nice place!
Paris wasn’t always a holiday destination!
To the him’s that groomed Hitler,
Now the you’s grooming his children.
A government that fears not the people,
Is a tyranny that will destroy a race.
Kaboom starts long before the war,
Right from when the Prince totters!
25th Feb, 2012
yomi lawal
November 30, 2014 @ 10:20 pm
Sadly this is beginning to apply to Nigeria