In the absence of shackles and presence of food,
In the comfort of same skin and a common language,
The illusion of freedom is sold to the modern slaves.
Hidden in the paycheck and written laws,
The charade with generations continue.
Autocracy and democracy they call it,
Communism and theocracy they name it,
Padded with free trades and unified currency,
The global village and human rights,
Fathers unwittingly sell their lineage into bondage.
Of politicians and their lies, spinning webs of half truths laced with piety,
The constitution and humanity, nothing but tools in their arsenal.
Their offsprings safe in their lair,
In the name of national security and peace,
They send the deceived children happily into harms way.
If the good men do nothing, evil becomes self sustaining!
Crime is relative but justice is absolute!
Playing animal farm and relaying old majors dream,
In a farm of 150million animals, two thousand lazy pigs eating 50% of the food!
Without blood there is no remission nor atonement!
“We hold this truth to be self evident, that all men are created equal!
That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
That among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”
This is no animal farm, I will pursue my happiness or pursue those who impede it!!!
I will be free because I am born free!
I will be free because it is the just thing!!
I will be free because I refuse to be enslaved!!!
The rebels of today are the founding fathers of tomorrows nation!
Arise and stop this pillage!!!, freedom is by right, revolution the means!!!
-yomi lawal
8th June, 2011