As we await the 2nd presidential election debate tonight in Hempstead, New York, I want to post a facebook discussions and almost down right insults i had from my friends who support Obama.
In response to a post by M that Biden was pounding Ryan i said the following
Yomi lawal– ” Hehehe, now who pounded who? Obamas policies have fatal flaws even though if it appeals to many! He can debate them from now to kingdom come and he would always lose those debates, its like staying in an indefensible position during a battle, u don’t fight harder, u simply get a better position! Just bcoz obama doesn’t understand au there can b tax breaks without tax raises on a certain class doesn’t mean its impossible na, anyways, 2 more debates abi, hehehe”
and my obviously pissed off guy said “Which policies have flaws Yomi? If you dont have specifics pls focus on GEJ’s policies which affect you more!”
that was nothing more than a veiled insult hehehe, but I have a thick skin when it comes to making my point or exposing what i believe to be the truth.
Below is the rest of the posts on FB
Yomi Lawal ” Best recent case, D death of d US ambassador. U can trace d root cause back to obama’s foreign policy, if he hadn’t blatantly ignored isreal I continue to assert d CIA wld av been warned by MOSSAD. Never in history
has d US given Isreal such cold shoulders since 1948! And though u may not agree, america still serves as a copying template of policies and sorts for other nations especially african ones so what specifics are u talking about that is classified info? If his policies were then so perfect why is he as an orator finding it difficult debating it or why hasn’t it translated into the excellent outcomes he promised?”
IA– ” Did u hear the fact that reps reduced embassy security by 300million less than what white house requested? Libya egypt iraq osama no home attack all those are bad foreign policy abi. I dont know if ure reading ur news from punch!”Yomi Lawal ” So with 300m for all US embassies In d world, a fortress would have been built in all of them? Or half of that would have been spent to fortify just the libyan embassy? And judging by the coordination of the attack, a fortress (assuming the whole 300m was spent there alone) wouldn’t have prevented the attackers from achieving their objective. If there had been intel however, the ambassador would have been miles away from that spot or at worse, if his attendance was dire, aware of the danger! No home terror attack (I don’t wish nor pray for any) since 2009 is not evidence of Obamas foreign policy of ‘ignore d threats’ working but d fact that the would be planners are busy in the ME! What do u think would happen when they have more time on their hands? Obama’s administration has always been good at denials and finger pointing; check ur facts and read between d lines and stop following sm1 blindly just bcoz u like him!”
IA ” Someone who found osama in an unmarked hole lacks intel and 300 million cannot improve security abi. No point debating this with you….follow GJ with ur eyes wide open!”
Yomi Lawal “Yeah, he found osama! Did u or any of us happen to see the body? Why were there conflicting accounts of the same event said to be have been watched in realtime by the President? The Navy seal account is different from the official account and wasn’t the timing of the killing so perfect? I know a PR job when I see one please! For someone to say the 300m would have prevented Stevens death is laughable, intel far outweighs any physical defence. If Obama had not decided to use Isreal as a floor wipe, they would have shared intel on the impending attack and ambassador stevens would be alive today. And you are right, no point debating this coz like Mr President, hehehe, you have no point!”
EA “U see u were not listening Yomi. He said 300billion.not million. Plus, if u knw anything about international relations and intelligence, u’ll know that d ability to use all intel given for d progress of one’s nation in defence of its sovereignty with d least casualties possible is called diplomacy. Unlike d repubs, who do and think. We the democrats, don’t just go out dere without all d facts on d table.“
Yomi Lawal “Ad, its millions not billions, thatz what Nancy pelosi said 300m usd. Which is why I said its laughable!! Especially for an administration whose policy on defence is actually less defence funds! 500billion defence cuts now crying over 300m usd! Ha! At over 150 embassies, its effectively saying 2m Usd in libya caused Stevens death! Finger pointing and stinking foreign policy, simple!”
Very funny, now Mrs Clinton has taken responsibility for the attacks on the consulate; that is nothing but shameless politics coming from the democrats, why is she taking the blame? Its simply to take the heat off the obviously incompetent President whose foreign policy is so terrible that the allies themselves now doubt Americas capability to do anything meaningful in the world stage. It took me about 30 minutes to know that the attack on the US consulate couldnt be the work of a crazy mob but a well planned attack; with all the billions of dollars backing up the whitehouse, it took them 3 days to come to that conclusion?! i don’t believe that! Its the ‘politics’ of the Obama administration I have been talking about!
Its also funny when Nigerian happen to go abroad and by virtue of being in those countries believe they actually know whats going on there or that others not living there dont know anything about whats happening there! Meanwhile this my friend most likely has no vote just like me hehehe!
Speaking as if US laws and policies are classified information that cannot be got at the click of dependable google.
Its very easy to be focused on small issues which has been the hall mark of President obama’s administration whilst ignoring long term but critical issues; this sadly is the focus of most of the democrats especially the blacks and hispanics!. (Imagine him cutting NASA’s funding! J.F Kennedy is turning in his grave right now!)
You might ask why I’m so interested in US politics; it because firstly, the future of my kids hang on the decision of the US politicians today, i know my kids will turn out great but it would be an easier task if someone like President Obama is shown the way out for a more serious President to take charge of America.
Secondly, so many nations copy US policies, (take the case of our silly Lagos traffic laws modification) and Nigeria especially copies it so senselessly that it would be better if the template they are copying from (the US) is good before they replicate it here.
I shall be staying up as usual to watch this debate. Obamas strong suit is making speeches without presenting plans, so i expect him to make lots of speeches tonight since its a town hall style debate with voters asking direct question but at best it would be a draw this time around because the fact (which Obamas supporters are ignoring) remains that the president is not providing leadership for the country but playing politics as if politics is an end in itself and thus has challenges presenting his speeches in a logical manner which will transform into an actual plan that can be implemented……. i wait and watch, stay tuned!
check out my earlier post how-to-talk-yourself-out-of-white-house to get a fuller depth of my perspective.
God Bless america