How to talk your way out of the White house!
“Yes we can!”, but now he can’t. I won’t pretend to be an Obama fan; my friends know how much I dislike his policies and his politics.
For the first time however, yesterday, he disappointed me with his appalling performance
during the Denver presidential debate; stammering, stuttering and even almost canvassing for his Republican opponent Mitt Romney.
With no disrespect to the american people or the presidency, President Obama is better only than Former president Bush Junior (whom I detest for lying to me that there was WMD in iraq just so him and his life long business partner and vice president, butt shooter Dick Cheyenne to make money for defense contractors and their own coy)
Let’s start from the beginning of the first US president elected because of his race. President Obama was elected because he is black and it was time due to the legendary slowness of his predecessor and the clamor for something different and new!
Not because he was smart or had the better plan! I was actually rooting for Mrs Clinton who would have made a far way better president due to her experience and her husband Bill Clinton. But alas, sadly, the need for race trumped that for gender!
Now after finding himself in the White house half of what he has done is complain and the other half is to spend precious time focused on minor things whilst losing focus of the big picture.
He forgot that he is the president of the whole country and not of just the blacks or the poor or old people!
He has used every policy to polarize the congress pitching republicans against democrats creating unprecedented bad blood among them all in a bid to achieve his usually half thought through and skewed policies.
His foreign policies have alienated long time allies like Isreal such that an attack (which I can bet Mossad had intel on) on US embassy resulted in the life of a whole US ambassador being taken like a chicken in Libya! If he had not foolishly (political foolishness) and glaringly given Isreal cold shoulders I’m sure they would have warned CIA of that imminent attack in libya!
As usual, when the deed had been done he now put a call through to Isreal PM and sent 50 marines (what we call medicine after death). The president that was too busy to have a sit down with PM Netanyahu suddenly had the time for chit chat, hahaha
I told my learned professor friend, Dr Macho, I expected president Obama to have read The Prince and The art of war at least but his actions show he hasn’t! Who would venture into politics without reading those two books?!
Obama would rather spend two years proving he was right (obamacare) than doing what is right by the country!
The fact is that He is trying to punish the rich (like its their fault some people are poor) and rewarding lack of vision or proper planning. Why should I pay more tax because I am rich?! Do I have more rights than those paying less taxes?!
Anyway, before I get carried away; back to the debate.
Gov Mitt Romney floored him with statistics, clarity of plan, eloquence and general body language.
With his “Yes we can” slogan, I expected more from this Kenyan who rose to become the first black president of the USA but I was utterly disappointed and I think I’m vindicated when I say he shouldn’t have been the president in the first place.
A 2nd term for President Obama would be a terrible pill for Americans to swallow and could result in his impeachment because President Barack has nothing to offer Americas economy but has allowed his quest for fame and attention to dictate his every move with the interest of the nation coming 2nd.
President Obama has forgotten one very important fact, you don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs; he has made life difficult for businesses that employ the people and to cap it all, he has stood by and watched Americas influence wane dangerously in the middle east; imagine him waiting for Iran to start assembling the bomb before taking a decisive decision?
I understand the support he enjoys among the blacks and other minorities but what use is a man whom all he does is play politics of division with every crucial decision that needs be taken and of what gain is that to the people that want him to stay on? The man is physically and mentally exhausted and cannot bring America back on her feet!
Well, what’s my own sef? Sebi I dey naija hehehe
God Bless America!!!
yomi lawal
October 8, 2012 @ 10:35 pm
Since I wrote this, several stories had emerged majorly from the Obama camp; cheat sheet (debunked), obama feigning weakness as a tactics (you wish) and 'lies by Romney'.
Let President Obamas camp graciously accept the KO and move on, not slinging mud from all angles, please!